Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Of Season Finales - The Big Bang Theory Season 4

Warning: There are spoilers!

The Big Bang Theory

Image from moviecarpet.com.

I love this series, and I've been watching it religiously since my friend showed the Halloween episode from Season 1 in class. I like Big Bang because it's different from the usual series - it's not about teens in high school or teenagers/ young adults in general which I have to say, I am getting sick of (ehem ehem, One Tree Hill, The OC). It's about four nerdy scientists with very different personalities, and I just love all of them. Okay, I'm not going to ramble on about how I love each and every one and explain why, so I'm just going to talk about the season finale from last week.

I feel bad for Leonard because Priya won't introduce him to her parents, but then again I do feel Priya's pain because I have also been the same boat, although for different reasons. I have mixed feelings about Priya, I'm not too sure whether I want her to stay or leave for India. I really thought she was going to stay and live with Leonard. However, I really want Penny and Leonard to be together. Penny was stupid for dumping Leonard when he got serious, but once again I feel Leonard's pain because Penny might not have been ready. Well, we all know from that drunken night that she regrets leaving him.

Penny and Raj sleeping together was so predictable - I knew it was going to happen when the booze started flowing. I didn't like them sleeping together though, it was so weird. It's like the producers didn't know what to do with Raj so they made him sleep with Penny or something. And I really wish Raj would speak to women! Ugh, they better address that issue in the next season.

Howard's insecurities, I find, are a little too immature at this point. He should be happy for (Doctor) Bernadette. But then again, I understand his pain, but he doesn't need to lash it out on his fiancee. I know Howard's constantly teased by how he doesn't have a PhD and Bernie getting her PhD doesn't make it any easier for him, but he should grow up a little 'cause he's getting married! I understand that he feels that it should be him buying Bernie pretty things and being the breadwinner, and I think he should take his PhD too, if it irks him so much. Hell, if I was Howard's position and my fiance would have his PhD in Microbiology and shower me with Rolexes, I wouldn't mind.

NEED. MORE. SHAMY. I love Sheldon and Amy together, I cannot get enough of them. I love how Amy isn't as serious (?) as Sheldon, and I like how she gets along with the girls, Penny and Bernie. Sometimes I think that Amy genuinely likes Sheldon. I don't know, we'll have to see. I am dying for Season 5 already!

Next up: Grey's Anatomy Season 7

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